The Consumer Electronics Show (now officially simply termed CES) turned 50 this year. And yet, rather than turn stale or start to fade into irrelevance, the 2017 show brought some genuine innovation we haven't seen in quite a while. Sure, wacky gadgets and pointless prototypes are all over the place at CES, but this might be the year that many of them actually become reality.
For instance, we didn't see many gimmicky curved televisions on the show floor. Instead, LG really wowed us with a new, incredibly thin OLED TV that houses all of its processing power in a sleek connected soundbar. Faraday Future showed off an electric self-driving supercar that can park itself, and should actually make it to market next year. The PowerRay drone from PowerVision doesn't work in the air, like you might expect, but underwater, to help you catch fish. And Razer's Project Valerie, while just a concept, proves that when it comes to gaming laptops, three screens are better than one.
Other top products are more about refinement than revolution. Lenovo's Smart Assistant speaker, its take on the Amazon Echo, looks and sounds better than the device it emulates. The Asus Zenfone AR smartphone brings augmented reality (in the form of Google Tango) to a reasonable form factor. And the Misfit Vapor looks and acts a lot like the Apple Watch for nearly half the price.
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